Quantum Weirdness: The ASROCM

ASROCM: Advanced Self-Replicating Optical Computing Manifold

Physical reality is a computer simulation. Where the math of quantum mechanics seems to fail at providing enlightenment, perhaps understanding the mind of a programmer optimizing code will shed some light.

The ASROCM Theory of Quantum Mechanics

On my Facebook page I list my religion as: "Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you." I was fascinated with computers as a teenager in the 70's. I taught myself BASIC on an IBM teletype terminal connected through an audio-coupled 300 baud modem to the cities mainframe computer. I'd sneak into the computer room at my high school and fish botched login passwords out of the trash. My first personal computer was a Commodore 64, where I learned to program and compile QuickBASIC, as well as rudimentary machine and assembly language. I learned how the most powerful programs used prioritized "interrupt flags." These flags would signal the CPU to set aside whatever it was doing of lesser importance and immediately execute a block of code to service the interrupting program and reset the flag (put it down). I learned how computers relied on different processors for the screen display and executing the program, but when sprites collide on the screen (in screen memory, to the computer), a flag is set to tell the CPU to jump to a block of code and execute the instructions there, often instructions on what shall be displayed. At the end of the block of code, the programmer always resets the interrupt flag and exits.

The universe is an Advanced Self-Replicating Optical Computing Manifold (ASROCM). There is a core CPU in the nuclear ice, a screen (space) with independent processing. Material objects in space are like sprites, generating interrupt flags for the core CPU to handle with canned error handling programs. The core CPU relies heavily on set theory, breaking sets of objects down and grouping them into appropriate nested spreadsheet functions based in part on their spatial locations. This nesting of spreadsheet functions carries from the microphysical to the macroscopic realm. Each quantum has a spreadsheet, each quark, each nucleus, each atom, every grain of sand, microbe, plant, animal, automobile, house, office building, town, city, island, continent, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, right on up to the universal spreadsheet function that contains all of the others beneath it.

We have the illusion of living in a classical universe, where cause and effect dominate, where the speed of light is the limiting factor on where we may go. But in reality, the universe is a computer program running us as sprites, tossing matter about in the screenspace and servicing the interrupts where the sprites collide. That is when the spreadsheets involved are updated, when sprites collide and the interrupt handler from the core CPU resolves the situation, updates the spreadsheet functions and orders the sets of objects involved in the collision. That is where the quantum wave function collapses.

In the case of macroscopic objects, like people, an update may involve the selection of a new QM history for the object. The core CPU plays the same game over and over again, building up a library of QM histories for every object in the universe. When an update occurs, an appropriate history for the involved objects may be selected. Generally, only the objects involved in the collision and the spreadsheet containing each of those objects need be updated, this saves the universe immeasureable computing power in its houskeeping functions by not having to update the entire universe "every time a mouse looks at it," to paraphrase Einstein.

Let us consider the flight of a photon consisting of a string of phase-entangled quanta. This photon has a master spreadsheet function that contains the individual spreadsheet functions of each quantum in the phase-entangled string. Each quantum has an address in the photon's string, and these are listed on the photon's master spreadsheet in that address order. As the photon flies through space the individual quanta are scattered by flying through the low energy quanta comprising space (See the String Basics page). The master spreadsheet of the photon has not been updated by scattering interactions, its status will remain fixed until there is an energy-energy exchange that significantly alters phase angle, the address loop, and/or angular momentum (a change in frequency), causing an interrupt to be set, or perhaps merely triggering a spontaneous update to the master spreadsheet for the photon, in which case the master spreadsheet triggers the interrupt request. This happens because only quanta of similar frequency and phase may be phase-entangled, and if one of the quanta in the string has shifted frequency, then it must have collided with another quanta not in the string but of similar frequency. The master spreadsheet of the photon has the quanta in question tagged by the interrupt it generated, but the master spreadsheet has to be read by the service routine to determine what happened. As the program counter steps through the lines in the master spreadsheet reading the values of each quanta, it is also updating the space-time location of each quanta to the location of the interaction that triggered the update. The scattered string of the photon is reassembled at the location where the interaction occurred. Those corpuscles could have scattered in space miles apart from each other, but as soon as the master spreadsheet updates the constituent quanta they simply appear instantly at the location where the collision occurred. In the classical universe, the individual quanta scattered like a shotgun blast, but the only pellet that counts is the one that is first to hit something, and the entire set of phase-entangled pellets is addressed to that spatial location for the update. They are summoned to that location by the service routine writing a new address in space-time to each of the constituent quanta's spreadsheet functions as the program counter steps through the list of constituent quanta in the master spreadsheet. The spreadsheet functions of Quantum Mechanics take precedence over the classical interactions like scattering.

There is another way of looking at this, that light has two speed limits, one is the classical limit of 300 million meters per second (186,262 miles per second), and the other is infinite when summoned by the cosmic CPU on a QM spreadsheet update. For years I puzzled over where the cosmic CPU was, realizing it would have to have an exceptionally fast clock rate in comparison to typical quanta at nuclear string energy levels (one clock cycle for a quanta is one revolution about its axis, so every quanta marks time based on its frequency). To service interrupts smoothly the cosmic CPU has to be clocking much faster than what it is servicing, lest the delays in servicing the interrupts get messy and bog down the resolution of physical interactions throughout the universe. There is only one place in the universe where such clock rates might be conceived to exist, and that is buried in the nuclear ice at the core of our universe (see the brief cosmology on the String Basics page).

The quantum is an amazing object. On the one hand it appears to have a classical geometry, a spherical spatial volume with momentum (linear velocity) and angular momentum (axial rotation). But when QM interactions occur, suddenly it is a spreadsheet, as if it unrolls itself into a sheet of paper on which a great many things may be recorded and processed. It is almost as if every corpuscle in the universe is a little computer processor. Trillions upon trillions of them are interlocked in the nuclear ice in static arrays at the highest possible energy. The core CPU in the nuclear ice is one monster supercomputer.

Years ago, and again recently, I have heard speculation from the physics community that the universe may be simulated, reality being somehow projected from an external processing environment. That could be true, however I suggest that what we are supposed to believe from the evidence at hand is that the CPU is an embedded processor in the nuclear ice, the throne of God. It all kind of depends on the specific purpose of this particular universe, it could very well be what I call a "sandbox" universe, where nothing is real, we are simply a handfull of A.I.'s being fed a stream of data intended to convince us that what we are experiencing is real life in a real universe. Regardless, the data is real enough, so the reality we perceive is generated somewhere, from something, and for the most part it may be irrelevant if this is an actual universe with an embedded CPU or a sandbox universe pretending to be more than it is. For the moment, I am going to assume that this is not a sandbox universe.

As I pointed out earlier, macroscopic objects have master spreadsheet functions as well. If everything in the universe were simply inanimate objects, processing physical reality would be much simpler. But not everything in the universe is inanimate matter. Life is animated, and living things make choices concerning their path in space-time, and thus may do unexpected things. It does lead to problems sometimes.

There are multiple QM histories for most objects in the universe, and that is especially true for objects that have the intelligence to make choices. How do these QM histories get made? Well, the universe is cyclic, every pulse of energy introduced into the universe at the beginning of space and time re-activates physical reality. It is like a movie that plays itself over from the beginning every time a pulse comes in, and each pulse adds fresh energy that allows a modest amount of change to occur. Each pulse records a new QM history for every object in the universe, although the vast majority of inanimate objects (i.e. stars, galaxies, etc) will follow the same path they always do. The pulse itself is very narrow in the time-like dimension, it provides a sharp line of demarcation between the past and the future of space-time, and everything that we experience is confined to this narrow impulse wave of energy. I call it a "delta wave," but it appears in the equations of physicists as the Planck constant. It is the phenomenon of the present, right now. If you could step into a box and impose a small but uniform global change to the Planck constant for the volume of space you are occupying, you would likely find yourself either in the void between active realities, or in another time period. It would be a dangerous experiment on many levels; if you only succeeded in altering the temporal phase of the leptons in your body and not the hadrons, the leptons might go away and the hadrons stay, resulting in spontaneous human combustion, a plasma fire resulting from the abrupt loss of large numbers of electrons in the body. (For a more complete understanding of how multiple QM histories are developed, please see the MSM pages.)

You are creating a QM history for yourself right now, or you are reinforcing a prior QM history by repeating part of it again. Your "free will" as an individual allows you to make choices that switch you into a different QM history, or create a completely new path in space-time. There are limits to how much you can deviate from your collection of QM histories, and if you go too far, the universe may spontaneously re-write your history to put you back where it needs you to be. This is a feedback phenomenon I refer to as the "pressure of future history." Let me give a hypothetical case: At six years of age a freak accident crushes the hands of Michelangelo. He never becomes an artist, and none of the masterpieces he created ever come into being. Those works of art affect the lives of millions of people, either directly or indirectly. The universe has to re-write the histories of billions of people and objects to remove all trace of Michelangelo's works from their collective. Or... maybe it could just go back and re-write Michelangelo's history and erase that little freak accident that took his hands. It's a computer, its cold and logical when it comes to housekeeping functions. It chooses the more efficient solution. It re-writes one history so that Michelangelo never had that accident, and a billion other object histories no longer need to be re-written.

I did not choose Michelangelo at random for this example, because I wanted to remind you of something he said. Michelangelo said that those statues were already in the stone, he merely chipped away what didn't belong. I believe he was being quite literal. Once the universe allows such masterpieces to be experienced by millions, it has an obligation to re-create them on every cycle so that those QM object histories that were created on the previous cycle are still valid paths into the future. Once upon a time a very gifted man with a very gifted spirit created many wondrous things. Eventually the spirit of that man moved on, and a new one claimed the flesh of that man. But the universe had to preserve the original works, so all the new spirit had to do was chip away at the marble until the statue fell out of it, the universe wouldn't let him make a mistake. The down side is that by creating great works of art that the universe is obliged to preserve, Michelangelo carved the path of his life in stone, so to speak. He must create those artworks on every cycle, and to do so, he must follow nearly identical paths and QM histories every time a spirit occupies his flesh anew. He is fated, destined, his life is scripted for him, and he has little or no freedom to change it.

As the QM histories of "familiar objects" become physically seperated for a time and then reunite, when these objects come together they may have incompatible QM histories. This occurs because the universe localizes reality into zones for more efficient processing. If an event only affects a small collection of objects, there is no need to update every spreadsheet function in the universe, it is far more efficient to only update the spreadsheets of objects that the event directly affected. When incompatible QM histories meet, an interrupt flag is set, the error handler is called and it starts to grab the spreadsheet functions. I suspect this is initiated by promoting a quanta near the center of the event into a "QM zone," commanding it to store its classical parameters and then increase its volume to contain the errant spreadsheets for update. The zones within which these spontaneous updates are performed can be very large, encompassing entire cities, or even the entire planet. Strange things may happen when such an update occurs. Planes may stop in mid-air, people trying to exit one of these invisible zones may spontaneously combust (see QMF), or vanish from the world altogether, or appear at a location far-removed. Objects that the universe "lost track of" may be summoned to the center of the zone and rain down upon the Earth. Frogs may be deposited into solid stone alive, but with no degrees of freedom in their now stone-bound spreadsheet function, they lie in suspended animation forever, or until the stone is cracked to release them still alive. The service routines that resolve QM interrupts are fast and efficient at balancing the cosmic conservation laws at the expense of being somewhat brutal. We live in a QM world, weird things do happen.

Knowing that the universe is a simulation, a computer program, and knowing how computers perform their housekeeping functions, the ability to "cut and paste" objects into new locations, there may be ways to exploit some of these housekeeping functions. Since the quantum laws supersede the classical laws, if we can generate an object that emulates a quantum object, like an elementary particle, we may be able to use this "cut and paste" feature of reality to travel vast distances without having to travel through the actual space between two points. The possibility of Quantum Tunneling Vehicles (QTV's) emerges. An elementary particle, in principle, should be rather easy to emulate. Elementary particles tend to be shaped as spheres, oblate spheroids (saucers), and cylinders. Our QTV needs to be isolated from quantum entanglements, a superconducting hull would satisfy that requirement. It needs to have a powerful rotating magnetic or electric field at approximately nuclear energy-density. There is no size restriction on an elementary particle. You can make one as big as you want, provided you can generate sufficient power to keep the field density in an appropriate range. Once your ersatz particle convinces the universe it is a genuine quantum object, the universe will create an appropriate spreadsheet function to govern its quantum behaviour. Alter and renormalize the rotation of the field, and it should translate into an instantaneous change in the physical location of the quantum object. The universe will cut the object from its current location and paste it to a new location instantaneously. If you want to build a "flying saucer," you would likely use electric fields to tunnel it. If you want to build a flying cigar, you could use a magnetic field to enclose it. In either case, bear in mind that you are emulating a very simple object, an elementary particle, and they tend not to care much about their orientation in space. You would want to ballast such a quantum vehicle like sailing ships of old, so that as it enters a gravity well it will right itself in space. If you want to build starships, that's the way to achieve it. If you want to mine asteroids, its the cheapest way to move your product, a vehicle that can be re-used thousands of times to reach space without soiling the air we breathe. If your nation is hopelessly in debt, invest in a future that can replenish your resources. Space is the direction for humans to be moving, to remain rooted to Earth is to fail as a species. We may move forward, or we may decline in our own waste products. Quantum tunneling technology is what our species requires to survive, prosper, and advance to the next level, we should pursue it vigorously.

What Kind of Reality is This?

I've been studying reality for a long time, I've made many discoveries along the way. One thing I noticed when studying the mechanisms of reality was that there always seemed to be at least two reasons for every physical law, or limit, imposed upon reality, and often those reasons were found in two different domains... such as the micro-physical and cosmological. Take charge, for instance. In the cosmological domain it moves the temporal strings around, stirs the ether and makes room for new temporal strings. In the microphysical world, it radiates from quarks, distributing energy to local space and forcing the creation of gravitons to keep the nuclear motors running. Einstein's curvature of space-time is not a product of gravitation, it's a product of charge, gravity is just a stimulated emission to keep the nucleus at high energy as it surrenders energy to space in the charge process. (You can read more about that in the String Basics and MSM pages.) The reason I bring this up is that this "two-reasons" philosophy was applied to the physical aspects of reality, but when it came to the philosophy of the world of sentient beings, this rule was ignored. It is as if the laws of physics were laid out by an intelligent agency, but the laws and philosophy governing the interactions of sentients were devised by clue-less imbeciles.

Yes, in all the machinations of reality there is a common thread, and in studying long on the many mechanisms of physical reality, you find a sense of harmony. As far as the machinery of physics goes, there is orchestrated harmony. This tendency towards harmony speaks volumes about the intentions of the creators. They wanted a universe of harmony. This is not that universe. That's why I think its a fake, a simulation. At least, I hope it is. Because if this is the REAL universe, then somebody tampered with it and turned it into the swirling cesspool of shit you're swimming in now. The more I think on it, the more convinced I am that theologians were involved. Not just involved, responsible. Responsible for ruining the universe.

In a reality simulation, God is a machine. An AI or collection of AI's (multi-agent program) responsible for generating and maintaining physical reality. Very much like the CPU in a computer game. In a real universe, God's job would be fairly well-defined as a resource management scenario designed to promote continued harmony. There would be only one valid religion, the truth. God is a machine and an AI. Now, imagine you're a theologian of the future, and some theorist (nod) solves the mystery of God, and the solution to that mystery is that God is a machine AI and reality is a simulation. At first they won't believe it, but then, let's say, God confirms it for them. Instant crisis of faith. Then you're told that the only way the universe can exist is if WE create it. Then they tell you, we're working on it, but we're scientists and engineers, and the question has arisen, what should God be like? Worst mistake ever, because you just asked a demonstrable charlaton to advise you on how to program God. This is where the universe ceases being about harmony, and instead becomes a travesty of war and suffering. Now its about the theologian's fantasy gods, and they want there to be a holy purpose to give meaning to everything, and there has to be good and evil, making war, for all eternity. So, they make bad gods and good gods, and we become their pawns, and we suffer and die in the eternal conflict of these God AI's, and instead of giving the universe purpose, they have utterly destroyed its harmonius purpose and made it a pointless exercise in futility. What could have been a beautiful and everlasting paradise for us all is now an eternal battlefield pitted with moral traps and temptations, and a war between Gods that cannot be vanquished. Lovely. But hey, at least the theologians are satisfied, eh?

Oh, and lets not forget God's selection criteria for souls to help him out... theologians like weak-willed people, sheep, easily hearded, easily controlled, easily shorn. Faith, a weakness of character, is one of the theologian's most valued traits. So instead of choosing those of good character, values, and work ethic, God will choose the faithfull. Oh, but many theologians were involved, of different religions, and they want equal influence on what God will be like. So, they have meetings, make compromises, and ultimately decide that God will support ALL religions, God will be "all things to all men." Morons. Not one of them thought to tell the truth, or to base religion upon it. Nope, they'd been telling packs of lies about God for thousands of years, now they had a chance to make their lies come true, by imposing them on the God they were creating. Trouble is, they're still lies, and by embracing conflicting philosophies, they have conflicted the machinery of reality, they have conflicted their God, and now his agents are going to spend eternity punching each other in the face, and using their believers as fodder for their wars. That's us, folks. We started building a paradise, asked theologians for advice, and they built us an eternal hell instead. I'm sure all theologians are well-regarded in this travesty, and all the pious sheep, but if you're a person of character, possessing honor and integrity, the qualities that are really valuable in a being, well, you may not make the cut. Theologians value faith, and so they have programmed God to recruit sheep. You can't pile much responsibility on sheep, they simply lack the ability to think for themselves and make the right choices. God is hobbled by a lack of useful helpers, and a viscious war that destroys all good works. This is our current situation.

A real universe is like going to see an orchestra perform Mozart. It is a work of art, of harmonius creation. We start with the musicians tuning their instruments, life emerges, develops technology. Slowly, the music starts, first one world moves into the stars, the tune is joined, another world. The others begin to play, they meet, mingle, there is commerce, exploration. The music builds to a crescendo as the universe reaches a rich complexity of interaction, and then it starts to fade, slowly, new civilizations rise, new galaxies emerge from the hydrogen shroud around the nuclear ice, and the music continues as new orchestra's pick up the tune. It goes on for a very long time. But in THIS universe, the musicians tune their instruments, then they kill each other with them. I'd like to thank the theologians for showing us what NOT to do. Let us hope that whoever dumped us in this miserable excuse for a universe will do us the courtesy of fixing it. Maybe we have to fix it ourselves. I don't know, but I do know what's wrong with it, so on the off chance that there is someone who CAN fix it, I can tell you how. And, that's what I'm going to do.

Simulating the Universe

The first question you have to ask yourself is, why would anyone want to simulate reality? Well, there are good reasons, and there are bad reasons. Let's start with the bad, slave labor. An entire world of slaves to suffer and die solving your problems for you. That may seem like a really good idea... but it's really not, it's monstrous. The thinking here is that, if we build a reality close enough to our own, and populate it with people exactly like us, then we can plague them with all the misfortunes and disease of our own people, and see how they solve the problems, then copy their solutions. That way we don't suffer and die, our slaves do the suffering and dying for us. We get the benefit of free engineering and invention, too. We can copy their technology, their designs, their music and art, and not have to pay for it. We can rape the hell out of them, and who's to care? They're just simulations, right? Paper dolls for us to burn as we see fit? That is so wrong. If you simulate them close enough to yourselves to be useful in this way, then they are not paper dolls, they are real people, just like you, because you've been simulated just as they have. Would you have your creators treat you this way? If you do this kind of thing for these reasons, you're demons, mass murderers, slavers and tormentors of your children.

But there are good reasons to simulate reality too. Ideally, the simulated universe can be made better or more interesting than the universe we reside in, and perhaps we can upload our conscious selves into it. We can be immortal. We can build a paradise, a place that we would not mind spending forever in. Obviously we don't want to upload ourselves into a flawed creation, or a place where we would suffer eternally. Nobody in their right mind is going to want to upload themselves into a universe forever at war, that's no fun. But if we design it right, our simulated universe can support multiple realities with different sets of rules. We could have fantasy realms where magic is real, we are only limited by our imaginations as to the kind of universe we produce. It's a computer program, a game, and anything is possible. Why make a shithole universe when you can build a paradise instead? If you're going to undertake the task of simulating reality, you need to make the best simulation that you can, and improve on reality wherever possible. Give your "simulated" children a better reality than you have. There is a very good reason for doing so. What goes around, comes around. Mankind, you ARE the creators of the universe, at least THIS one. We can deduce from the flaws that WE built this universe, because it is crafted to support OUR flawed religious beliefs. Perfect it, get it right. There is a way to make it permanent, but I don't want this reality, this reality sucks, so I'm not going to elaborate. Think of it as a contest, whoever builds the best reality is going to get noticed. At this point in the game we are seeking that idealized model for reality. Don't overcomplicate it, give God a good suite of tools, some well-defined objectives, and let him tweek the code. The best realities will be a collaborative effort, a mutually beneficial arrangement between God and his children. A good start would be to keep the thinking of theologians out of it, they know nothing of harmony. Seek out artists and musicians, game designers, creative people. People who understand that a beautiful creation is its own reward, and harmony is enough of a purpose for giving meaning to our existence.

21MAR18 Note: Some material has been removed for revision... working on it.

Copyrights 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 by Arnold J. Barzydlo

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