Excerts from "Mirrors, Strings & Manifolds: The Geometry of Everything," C1994, Pg.9

Laws of Nuclear Geometry

Here I list the laws of nuclear geometry as I held them to be in 1994.

3 String Intersection = Up Quark
4 String Intersection = Down Quark
Up Quark + Pinned Vector Boson Emulates a Down Quark
A (nuclear) string must pass through at least 3 quarks before closing on itself.
Protons and Neutrons do not occupy the same nuclear shells.

(See the Empirical Laws page for the current set of laws.)

Well, this takes you about half way through the lecture video, and it is all the frames I have prepared to date. Topics covered in the lecture that I have not yet worked up pages for include the strong and weak nuclear force (covered elsewhere on this website), multiple delta waves (there is only now, but there are lots of them) superconductors and Cooper pairs, electron configurations of the Boron Hydrides (covered elsewhere, this lecture was written while I was seeking the Holy Grail, the structure of the boron nucleus), and ether currents in the twin slit experiments. The less relevant topics will probably fall by the way.

Another Hideous Page From CCST History

Diagram from the author's crude, awful, albeit inspired 1981 report, "Cosmogony from Black Hole Collapse."

The modern version of this cosmogony crosses out the singularity and goes with the "quark superparticle," now referred to as "nuclear ice." The ballooning daughter universe is also reflected back up the throat of the bridge now, to be encompassed by the sphere of nuclear ice in the parent universe. (See String Basics for more details.) Well, at least I typed the text of the report. (smile)

Copyright 1994, 2008 by Arnold J. Barzydlo
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